Tag Archive: Castleberry Hill

Elliott Street Deli and Pub

Despite the small size of the Castleberry Hill district, many restaurants, stores, and galleries contribute to the fun, urban, and vibrant experience Atlantans learned to expect from a night out in this revitalized… Continue reading

Old Factory in Castleberry Hill

This is the back of a factory in Castleberry Hill that used to make upholstery fabrics.

The Castleberry Square Hound

If you go to Castleberry Square at the end of Mangum Street in Castleberry Hill, you are likely to be greeded by Angelina, a very friendly hound. P.S. This dog was constantly moving,… Continue reading

Castleberry Hill

Most of these pictures were taken at the Castleberry Hill Square where the Besharat Art Gallery is located. Castleberry Hill is at walking distance from downtown and is appreciated for its architectural heritage.… Continue reading