Tag Archive: Praktica MC Pentacon 50/1.8

Murphey Candler Lake

The Murphey Candler lake within Atlanta. The sign in the third picture amused me because public authorities deemed necessary to seek to protect people against their over-confidence in their resourcefulness. Praktica BC1, Praktica… Continue reading

BNSF Locomotive

BNSF locomotive in downtown Atlanta. Also seen on the second picture, are the locomotive, a public transit train (MARTA), and a car on I-20. Praktica BC1, Praktica MC Pentacon 50/1.8, Ilford HP5 Plus… Continue reading

Abandoned Train Tracks in Black and White

As part of my experiment on Light, Surface, and Color, I also took pictures with a black and white Fomapan. I think I like this film better than the widely popular Kodak T-Max. Praktica… Continue reading